Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Favourite Game

Hey guys, today i've found out a new game call "Thumb Wrestling Federation." This game is so fun that i can't bare to get out of this place. By the way i've got another thing to do. BYE......



Yesterday I saw Linus at the lot 1 in the morning. It was when the time he left mcdonal. He was with he mother. I went to the lot 1 with Dickson. When we're done we went to the popular to buy assesment for me and my sister. Dickson and my mother told us to go to the library read and borrow books as they left us in the library alone as they were going to yhe NTUC. When they were back. Dickson mother told him that he can only borrow books pnly after Exam.

When he was angry, he throw the books on his mother. And he cried loudly till we reached Mcdonal agian. Dickson mother and my mother promised us that we could buy a cup of ice tea. I could only say me and my sister only had a great day but Dickson did not had a great day. And i'm not going to write anymore due to this subject.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

selamatspotter.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

selamatspotter.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Hey guys, click on this to see what Mas Selamat will disguise to.
If you see him, immediately call police, don't wait till he did something to you, it will not bring you any good luck