Monday, August 25, 2008

My Family Has A Great Officer

Today night when my father came back from home, he brought us good news as he has been selected as a police officer. My mother, sister and I were so proud as there's a officer. I took my father IC and take a look weather is it real. And it was truely amazing as it was true. He told me he could start his duty starting from this Wednesday as he need to practise. His boss often praise him well done. And also when I grow big, I would also become a geart officer to protect the country. Does anybody also want to be a great officer? I would guess you of course you would also like to be a great officer like me right? SEE YA

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Great Exciting Trip

Today my family and relatives went to "IKEA." We went there after my sister tuition. We left the house at about 4.20pm. It was a good thing that my uncle drive a van. Oh we waited almost 15 minutes to look for a parking lot. Finally we found a lot as a man from the country of "Russia" had just left the lot. Should I say we are lucky. Soon we took a trolley and went in. But not soon we had our food, it was so crowded that we can't find a place to sit. I ate a plate of rice with some chicken, mushroom,tomato sauce and fries. We spent almost one hundred and fifty dollars. We left the place. Soon about 7.30pm, we went to a restaurant lot 1 to have our dinner. Luckly we book a place as it is so crowded that the whole restaurant was almost filled with peoples. The food wa so delicious that when i reach home, i still feel like eating. And soon it was my bedtime, Goodnight........

Friday, August 22, 2008

Today Test which bring me good and bad things.

Oh I finally Have my test today. The English paper is the one which I think it's easy for me but for the math paper, most of us think that it is very difficult. The best thing which I like today math paper that it does not have any problem sums. The thing which I hate most is that we should have our recess at 10.15am but we had our recess at 10.25am and ONe more thing is that we should end the class at 12.30pm but we left at 12.45pm. Can you tell me is it a bad thing ? The most thing i'm afraid is that my mother would nag at me as i came out late. See ya as no time to write. BYE

Tomorrow Screening Test

Tomorrow is the time where we will have our screening test. I wonder will it be difficult. What happen if it is very difficult. If is is difficult i would try my best in the test. Oh I almost forgot that I have not taken my test, so if you want to know more about the test, wait till tomorrow until I'm done taking my test. See ya won't wanna be ya

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Swimming Test

Hey guys, today me, my sister and Dickson a an application form for going to the swimming gold test. We were all very excited and nervous. I've pass my bronze and silver test so I hope I would pass this test. Most of us would join the test. There are 6 of us going to the test. Some of our classmate are still in bronze and silver test. After I've completed my gold star which is after the gold test. Me and Dickson would join some other sports. Hey, hope you wish us pass the test.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What A Mess !!!

Today when me, my sister and my cousin were eating lunch, my cousin accidentally spilled the bowl of rice onto the floor. He was afraid that my maid would know so he used the tissue to clean it up quickly. And when during around 3 pm, we ate onion rings. When my cousin was pouring the tomato sauce, he spilled it all over the table. Soon we ate finished, and we played some games. I told my sister to take the bicycle as we were going down stairs to play. As she did not hold it properly she drop. Soon it was dinner. Hey guess something. Now it was my turn to drop the vegetable onyo the floor. Oh what an unlucky day. Me, my sister and y cousin did done some careless mistake right. Hey no time to write bye. Hee Hee

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Unlucky Day

Hey guys, this is my unlucky day, do you know why. It is because my cousin came my house at around 2.10pm. He took my toys and mess my table, he also took my sister Gameboy and play with it. luckly my maid stop him or the whole house would be in a mess. He ate my favourite chicken rice. He stayed at my house for 2 days and will go home at Saturday. I wondered how my house would be tomorrow. Hee Hee, luckly i'm clever, know why. Because I've made a trap that is to make him scared. As he is afraid of mice, I took my toys and place it all around my room. Hey no time, I've got to write another story. Bye!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Speacial Occassion

Tomorrow I'm going to my coucin house to celebrate National Day. We can also BBQ as my cousin live in a condominium. My mother intend to let us swim. We will go at 11.55am. We'll play from the day till the night. I will stay at my cousin house for 1 day. Do you know something, all of us wish singapore a 43 birthday. We will also go to the national day parade to watch the ceremony. I love singapore very much!

The movie

Today I went to the lot 1 to watch a movie called " The Mummy Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor." I wondered anyone from our class had also watch this movie. There are many exciting and funny part. Almost the whole cinema was occupy. I went there with my cousin friends. I watch the 5.00pm movie and end at 6.20pm. Do you something, I'm very happy as my mother could bring us there to watch. This is my favourite show I ever had watch!


Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Speacial Day

Hey guys yesterday I went to Woodlands and went to the adcade to play games. Do you know why? It's because it was my sister birthday. First we ate our lunch then we left the house. We all were so excited! My cousin " Joshua " also went with us. We played lots of game like the motor, car and also shooting games. We started playing at 1.35pm and finish playing at 2.45pm. We had a great day at the arcade!


The Day I'm Looking Forward!!!!!

Tomorrow is my cousin birthday. He would give me and our other cousins a birthday bag. We will celebrate at imm shopping mall at Burger king. All of us are excited as the birthday bag will have lots of snacks and snacks. After that we would go to my twins cousins house for a BBQ! Hey if anyone will want to read my blog, don't ever tell anyone about this. ok?

Ben 10 1000

Hey guys I'm back so now I'm going to tell you about a different topic. Now is about ben 10 1000. Hey know what does this means. It means that Ben Tenyson is now not a kid, he's now more stronger than he was in ben 10. He have new ailens like Eyeguy, upchunk and waybig. Ben Tenyson gave birth to a son called Ken which is Kenny. Go to the following website for more details of Ben and his 10 super cool ailens. Hope you enjoy reading!


Ben 10

This is Ben Tenyson and the ailen in the omnitrix. He is 10 years old. Whenever he is dealing bad ailen, he will turn the omnitrix in press it down to transform into thr ailen he want to be. He has 10 super cool ailens in it. All he need to do is to figure it out how does it work. I like Ben Tenyson very much because he's clever and cool!
Want to hear more about Ben Tenyson read the next story!

The next Coming Trip !!!!!!!

Today I went to a trip to Sungei Buloh at Bukit Timah.Lucky is was a sunny day or else my family made a waste trip. We brought our cap, water bottle camera and also our food. My family first took a taxi there. The ride was 30 minutes. We bought our entrance ticket first and took a map before entering. me and my sister were all very excited! The most important thing to bring is the insect repellent. We apply it on our legs and hands. We took picture of intresting animals like the otter, monitor lizard and many others more...... After 45 minutes, soon we grab a biteand the bench. There are lots of mud skipper and there is one special crab. Try and guess what's the crab, if you don't know i'll tell you and that crab is a tree climbing crab.When we are done looking, we went back to the entrance. We had a great day at Sungei Buloh!


My First Pet

My first pet bought was a fish. I name it vipergon as it is very long and eats alot. Every day i would feed it with fish food. In the morning I feed it at 10am, afternoon at 2pm and in the night at 9pm. It has orange skin, 2 fins and 1 long tail. When ever i'm bored, i would go and talk to it like my friend. It would cheer me up when i'm sad. I like my fish very much!

Want to read more, read my next story!

A Funny Joke

I will now begin telling you my joke
1)knock knock
will who?
will ya open?

2)knock knock
well who?
well done!

3)knock knock
ba ba
ba ba who?
ba ba black sheep.

My Favourite favourite My Favourite Characters

My favourite character is " Ivin " the show of " Bola Kampung ." The show is about football. I will try and remember his skills so that when I'm playing football, I can score many goals for my team. I started to watch this show since when I primary 1. Beside my favourite is also " Ben 10 " as it he is the boy in cartoon that can handle so many ailens by himself. He is not the only person fighting, he still have his cousin " Gren " and his grangpa " Max." This are my favourite characters