Saturday, August 2, 2008

The next Coming Trip !!!!!!!

Today I went to a trip to Sungei Buloh at Bukit Timah.Lucky is was a sunny day or else my family made a waste trip. We brought our cap, water bottle camera and also our food. My family first took a taxi there. The ride was 30 minutes. We bought our entrance ticket first and took a map before entering. me and my sister were all very excited! The most important thing to bring is the insect repellent. We apply it on our legs and hands. We took picture of intresting animals like the otter, monitor lizard and many others more...... After 45 minutes, soon we grab a biteand the bench. There are lots of mud skipper and there is one special crab. Try and guess what's the crab, if you don't know i'll tell you and that crab is a tree climbing crab.When we are done looking, we went back to the entrance. We had a great day at Sungei Buloh!


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