Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Great Exciting Trip

Today my family and relatives went to "IKEA." We went there after my sister tuition. We left the house at about 4.20pm. It was a good thing that my uncle drive a van. Oh we waited almost 15 minutes to look for a parking lot. Finally we found a lot as a man from the country of "Russia" had just left the lot. Should I say we are lucky. Soon we took a trolley and went in. But not soon we had our food, it was so crowded that we can't find a place to sit. I ate a plate of rice with some chicken, mushroom,tomato sauce and fries. We spent almost one hundred and fifty dollars. We left the place. Soon about 7.30pm, we went to a restaurant lot 1 to have our dinner. Luckly we book a place as it is so crowded that the whole restaurant was almost filled with peoples. The food wa so delicious that when i reach home, i still feel like eating. And soon it was my bedtime, Goodnight........

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